
Logging Levels

Database SQL Query for N th highest salary

Gradle Project development

Java NIO2-Watching Service API

Regex Patterns

Gradle commands

Hibernate Criteria API for JPA-2.0

Integration of Spring and JPA

By using maven we can separate loading of .properties file by based on environments like(Dev,Production,Testing)

Maven War Plugin

Spring SPEL Simple Example reading properties file.

Maven useful plugins

Exception Handling in Spring MVC

In Spring Default the Dispatcher servlet will invoke the name of the servlet added xml

To Develop Spring MVC application we have to use below maven dependencies,and below spring dtd

To Run all the below annotations we have to use context annotation config.

Maven 3.x will come with default java compiler version-1.5,to avoid this we have to add maven compiler plugin

Context component scan is necessary when we are dealing with spring mvc controllers